Sustainable fashion is something the fashion industry talks little about. Green fashion is actually more beneficial than other traditional fabrics and thus the fashion industry should work harder to make it more mainstream. So, what are the benefits of switching to green fashion? Here are a few:
1. Its Eco-Friendly Fashion
The fashion industry marks as one with a huge environmental footprint, right from the use of pesticides in cotton growing to toxic chemicals found in dyes. Also, a huge amount of energy is used in the production of traditional fabric. When using conventional cotton, making one t-shirt requires chemicals weighing in at one-third of a pound. Turning to sustainable fabrics is definitely a step in the right direction in reducing the environmental footprint.
2. Safer Working Conditions for Factory Workers
Sustainability of clothes falling under the Fair Trade Act comes in various ways: surety that the clothes are sweatshop free, they were manufactured under safe working conditions and the makers of the clothes earned a fair wage. These are true virtues in an industry full of cost-cutting and harsh labor practices.
3. Its Cruelty-free Fashion
Animals have to lose their lives for leather, silk and wool fabrics to hit the market. Vegans should also embrace vegan fashion, which means giving up fabrics made from animal products. Cruelty-free fashion is definitely the way to go as it benefits animals.
4. Organic Clothes Have a Longer Life
Organic, renewable fibers can be made even more environment friendly by making the pieces durable. One should look for outfits they can wear for more than one season. Waste reduction and reduced consumerism go a long way in saving resources and energy.
5. A More Personal Experience
Just like when buying food, a key component in organic fashion is buying local. Buy outfits from local designers in the area and engage regularly with the local tailor to keep the clothes looking great. Skipping the mall will definitely bring in a more personal experience and create a unique sense of style.
6. Cheaper to Look After the Clothes
Sustainable fashion goes beyond just buying organic fabrics. When it comes to cleaning the clothes, use the cold cycle as this saves energy. Also, invest in organic detergent that does not contain harmful and polluting chemicals. Instead of using the dryer, hang the clothes on a line to dry.